Preparing Your Home for Sale - Everything to Know

7 Tips to Prepare Your House for Sale

Preparing your house for sale can be a daunting task. However, with Colbert & Co’s tips to prepare your home for the market, we hope to make that process a little easier. By taking some time and effort to prepare the property for showings, you can increase your market value and reduce the time your property stays on the market. 

Our tips for preparing to sell a property mainly include repairs, staging, and cleaning. While these might take a little time, these small improvements are generally cost-effective, while attracting better offers. 

7 Top Tips When Preparing Your House for Sale 

Colbert & Co have years of experience when it comes to successfully listing and selling properties. Below is our list of tips every property owner should know when it’s time to bring your home to market.

1. Identify What’s Needed

When it comes to refurbishing your home for a sale, it’s important to take stock of repairs needed. Whether or not you have occupied the home or used it as a rental property, normal wear and tear can add up. This could be anything from scratches on a door from pets, chipped paint on walls, or a window that sticks. 

While it’s easy to ignore these minor details, they could potentially decrease the perceived value of your home. Potential buyers might also use these as bargaining chips to haggle over the price of the property. Should too many of these little details add up, they can deter a bidder, who may assume that there are bigger issues under the surface. 

2. De-Clutter, De-Personalise 

Preparing to sell your home means to declutter it.

Bigger rooms are excellent selling points, when it comes to listing your home on the property market. Decluttering can make your living room look more spacious. Therefore, it’s important that you take some time to declutter the space before viewings. 

However, this may not be as simple as removing your personal belongings and placing them in drawers or presses, mainly because potential buyers tend to investigate these spaces. Instead, opt for other space-saving storage methods: under-furniture storage bins, or stackable containers that can be neatly tucked away in your attic. 

Additionally, potential buyers will want to visualise themselves living in your house. Therefore, we recommend tidying away any personal items, like family mementos. Instead, keep decorations simple, with neutral pieces of art and furniture. 

3. Keep it Fresh 

A new layer of neutral paint can significantly enhance the appearance of a worn-out bedroom or living room. You might also have to look at new tiling your kitchen or bathroom. If re-tiling the bathroom is not within budget, re-grouting can be almost as effective at rejuvenating the area or a deep clean with grout cleaning products.  

When you are preparing to sell, you should also address any water stains on the ceilings by fixing the underlying issue and repainting. A damp stain from a previous minor leak might trigger concerns so it’s important to address and rectify such issues. 

4. Appearances Matter

Tidying the garden matters while preparing your house for sale.

The old saying, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” doesn’t apply, when it comes to preparing your home for sale. In this case, first impressions are crucial. 

If you have a front garden or driveway, it’s important to make sure that these look good. Often an individual who has an interest in the house may take a spin past the property before they commit to viewing, so you need this first impression to be positive. As for your back garden, mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges can go a long way to more the space more attractive. The outdoor area such as a patio or garden has come under extra focus since the COVID-19 pandemic. People now really appreciate having their private outside space. 

5. Let the Light In 

A top tip for preparing your house for sale is to showcase it in its best light – quite literally. When you’re showing your home, make sure to open all the curtains and blinds. If needed, add more light fixtures, and turn on all the lights, even in the closets and presses. 

This makes your home look brighter and welcoming. It also saves potential buyers from searching for light switches. However, if you think your current lights work perfectly, be sure to dust them and clean off any dirt.  

6. Get BER (Building Energy Rating) Certified 

All properties presented for sale in Ireland must legally possess an up-to-date BER certificate. If you bought the property within the past decade, its BER certificate may be included with the deeds. However, if it is not available, you may have to commission one before you list your home on the market. 

7. It’s Time to Set the Scene 

This tip for preparing to sell a house is a favourite of professional home stagers. Furniture can have a big impact on how a room looks and feels to potential buyers. When staging the property for sale, ensure that your furniture fits well in the room – and avoid overcrowding. 

If the room’s furniture is too large, it can make the room seem small. However, too small or too few furniture pieces may make the space feel too sanitised. Arrange your furniture to make each room feel spacious, cosy, and easy to move around in. Consider using the furniture in each room with a theme – for example, set up seating to create a comfortable conversation area in the living room or dining room. 

Preparing Your House for Sale – Listings

At this part of the process, you’ll already have done most of the work in preparing your house for sale. Now, you’ll want to work with a licensed property auctioneer in your area, ensuring that all your efforts come to fruition. Now, it’s time for the valuation. 

Understanding your property’s worth will assist you in organising your finances. This can also help prepare for your upcoming move. Working with a licensed estate agent will generally mean that your property will be sold within six months. 

Selling Your Home? Contact Us! 

With over 30 years of experience, Colbert & Co. are the premiere estate agents in East Cork. Our offices in Midleton and Carrigtwohill enable us to work across local markets, showing the beautiful homes of East Cork and beyond in their best light. 

Plus, we offer unparalleled services, helping you find only quality purchasers for your home. With a marketing package that’s sure to impress any potential buyer, make Colbert & Co. your choice of auctioneer today. To avail of our complimentary valuation, contact the office now. 

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